- stolen Motown fury
- drums with fingers
- fretboard waffling
- wockachucka
- noodling with fingers
- wammy bar wimpy high pitched nonsense
- johnny cash/luther low guitar boogie noodles
- catchy rythyms: impossible?...possible!
- minimal
- bedroom aesthetics
- drumless
- hastily recorded
- un-thought-out lyrics
- occasionally intelligable
- nonsense, half-baked, childish (Destroyer)
- emphasis on sound of voice
- cash: sincerity
- malkmus: inscinscerity, falsettto
- but UNcool
Could re-do originals, perhaps on-top of old recording:
- Squeaky mouse wah (intro)
- Kitchen spectre (orig. riff)
- So long
- Hercules mercedes (riff)
- Them doctors (esp. chorus)
- A shame
Could cover some goodies:
- Jimi Hendrix - "Machine Gun"
- Stevie Wonder
Temporary space until I have real time to devote to this kind of junk. Which might not happen?