G u t h r i e   L o n e r g a n
My other blog, Nasty nets surf club, My links
GuthrieLonergan at gmail dot com


surfin movie/blue screen ocean

My "Surfing Video" was made by layering two surfing DVD bonus features on top of eachother. I call these features "Surfing Porn." The first was gratuitous amounts of uncut surfing footage, and the second was a bunch of fantasy surfing locations minus any surfers (just some killer waves in pretty places.)

I keyed out the surfers from the first feature and plopped them onto the second (the fantasy waves.) This was remarkably, awesomely easy because the ocean behind the surfers is all blue, just like those goofy looking blue-screens used for Hollywood movies and karaoke videos. The process took about three mouse clicks, and works remarkably well considering the ocean was never intended to be used as a blue screen...


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