I'm very excited to be in a two-person show with Kevin Bewersdorf opening this weekend at Paul Slocum's gallery, and/or, in Dallas, Texas! Here's a press release.
Dates: October 20th - November 24th
Opening: October 20th, 6pm - 9pm w/ performance by Tree Wave (Paul's band) at 8:30
I'll be there. I'm not 100% sure what I'm showing yet, I'll let you know :)
Hi I made a button for your browser that covers youtube movies in blood — please go install it and try it out when you get a chance. Works best on dull home videos, like video logs, etc… o, the horror of the mundane! (here’s a sample of what it does)
(btw, shout out to Ilia’s similar flag from a couple of weeks ago, which not only beat me 2 the net, but is really wonderful) (p.s. firefox highly recommended, totally sux in i.e. …sorry)
hey guys, I made a new blog..... for research... things I find and original things in progress,.. sorta more relaxed (and more frequently updated) than this one. However, I'll keep posting more important announcements here on "Blogger".
(and if you really want rss for my research u can have it, but i'd rather you just look at the page from time to time, if at all..)
My favorite links of the year can be seen in The Year In The Internet 2006... I think my web surfing taste has shifted slightly since last year? Other really great links on those lists.
This is a web slideshow of a DJ's photos. He tries to document both his own equipment and the surrounding party. The source website has vanished from the Net.
The soundtrack is "the slowest jam ever".. I simply took a Whitney Houston MIDI file ("Waiting to Exhale") and cranked the tempo way down. I've posted it here before. (I'll let you know that the last 15% of the song is absolutely stunning after you've listened to the first 85%!!)
Also, recently on Nasty Nets I posted this comparison, which is a byproduct of this project (and inspired by something my buddy Mike Chang said about this slideshow in progress.)
Some hastily made collages -- like these, except now I am printing my own adorable little stickers!
Mostly the Thumbnails are from Google News' frontpage. My memory is fuzzy on what is going on in some of the pictures, but I believe that on the left we have some kind of X-Files-ish conspiracy where stem cell research caused the Iraq war (or at least something that looks like the Iraq war?). And on the right we have Kofi Annan confronting lightning and flipped-over cruise ships, whilst California wildfires and West Nile mosquitos make everything look like the Iraq war. Also, a nice gif of a deer and lots of other stuff whose origins I'm pretty fuzzy on.
This is my setup in my bedroom, yeeahh.. Note the awesome painted paper sculpture by Jamie Chan pinned above my desk!!! BTW, I put up the source pics from my domain video right here.
And if you have time, please leave me a voice message, kthx*:
* i love how anonymous and creepy it is..& people are doing awesome wierd crap.. i put it on theageofmammals.com frontpage and my "real" myspace, too :)
Oh boy am I excited to tell you about this!!: Nasty Nets internet surfing club! What's a surfing club? It's a hangout for my favorite surfers (and I), an extension of the collecting that's already been going on, on del.icio.us and elsewhere. Right now it's mostly a blog, but the idea is that it expands into more of a community -- preservation, creation, criticism.. I like putting stuff there because it's more like two-way sharing, and there's more of an impulse for discussion (blog comments take on a different nature.) So come check it out...